Tuesday 30 November 2010


For my designs I have looked at multiple sources for each part of the game.


For the characters I want them to be very dark seeing as how the game is set in a secrete prison facility where the inmates are tested on (that’s why its secrete) there should be a good reason for why our character is in there and also why she can survive in this murder socked hell hole so I suggest we give her a dark history like e.g. she was a serial killer/ psychopath this could also explain why she is missing her arm, I want the all the characters to have an anti-hero look I don’t want any super overly heroic protagonist I want her to be selfish as that is the only way she can survive, the monsters aren’t the real enemy they are just mindless killing machines the protagonists adversary shall be her captors, so as she is a prisoner obviously she will be wearing a prison issue jumpsuit, so basically she is psychotically deranged but luckily so is everybody else in the prison, the monsters will be genetic mutations so they will be humanoid but will be superior to humans by being stronger and faster but won’t be very smart and will be primitive creatures that have disfigured and tortured features, possibly gothic is style, for the prison inmates because there insane and violent I thought adding a punk style to them could also add more insanity and for the remainder of the prison wardens survivors just plain old boring lab coats and uniforms to add a sense of superiority.


The game is set under a dam, but the dam itself is in a winter environment were venturing outside on foot will be met with disastrous results to create more fear of being trapped because even if you escape the facilities your still in the middle of nowhere freezing to death, it has to have a industrial look as it will be designed with efficiency in mind, for the early stages of the game it will be set in the prison facilities located under the dam, area so it will have a very industrial feel to it as you progress through the game you will goo trough the living quarters of the scientists and wardens, which will be designed to have a very posh appeal because these scientists are living underground so they will be kept in a luxury environment with art deco styling later in the game you will enter the temple the facility is built on which will be very dark and gothic as this is the reason for the monsters, I will be focusing on the dam, the facilities interior and living quarters.


For weaponry again it will advance the later you get in the game you will use whatever you can find so when you’re in the prison/lab you will use blunt objects and surgical equipment, but as you progress you will get knifes from the kitchen and eventually weapons from the temple, but the main character has a missing hand which makes for some interesting weapon chooses she can attach a meat hook to her arm to help with sneak and grapple attacks and a drill for fast kills, so designing weapons will be interesting because we have to cope with the characters missing hand, but i will try and keep it reasonable and believable, many focussing on what random objects left around the facility that could be used.

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