Wednesday 16 June 2010

Evaluation of comic


I started my research of the comic on Mr. Garrison a character from South Park, I choose him as character because I thought it would be fun seeing as how he is a unique character and it would be interesting to see how I could put him into a video game concept, later as I was planning I got tired of the formula and could think of a good story for Mr. garrison so a decided to implement other characters so I put the republican space rangers in because making a story for those guys is easy because all they do is fly around in space and harass people because they are stereotypical red-necks, as I developed my own character based on the too I decided to draw Mr. Garrison but in the style of the republican space rangers so it’s the perfect compilation of the 2 characters, I like how my character turned out because I like to look at it as a parody of modern game design because a lot of games have you play as a space marine how has to commit genocide on a alien race for some mildly touched upon reason, so my character is a space marine but he completely insane and fails to understand why he has to kill the aliens but dose so anyway because he isn’t very smart. As I went onto my comic I drew the whole thing out on paper and scanned it in and I started to draw over it in Photoshop and cleaned up the drawings and realised that my drawing of my ship wasn’t very good and wasn’t planning on drawing it again but realised I couldn’t be bothered and it would be much easier and would get a greater result if I just used the 3-D model I made for another project so I took screens of my 3-D ship and implemented them into my comic, after spending 2 hours on my comic and did about ½ of my comic I tried to save my project and the computer crashed and I lost all my work, so I started again witch was a big annoyance because I just lost 2 hours of work, as I started again I decided to save it every 20 minutes so I did 20 minutes of work and tried to save and the computer crashed AGAIN so I got fed up and went home and did my work at home on a “reliable” computer, so I did all my work at home and finished it off, after finishing it I am happy with the end result as it is a quick story that is simple so, I also went back and changed a line of dialogue I changed a line what the alien said I added to it the line when he said he wasn’t a communist I added him say he had a wife and family before I thought it would be crueller for the ranger to kill him knowing that he had a family, just to add dark humour to the story and to establish that the ranger is a complete idiot who fails to understand what he is supposed to be doing and will enforce what he perceives as what he is supposed to be doing, after finishing it I wasn’t happy with the backgrounds ether so I added a photograph of a real desert to add a cool art style of part 3-D part hand drawn part real life, I also went back and added more colour to the character correcting obvious mistakes and changing the font to make it more suited, in conclusion I am happy with may comic, I don’t have much to complain about.

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