Wednesday 21 October 2009

This design is for people with a sense of humour about things and isn’t easily upset; it is designed to make people laugh at themselves so people with a good sence of humour will enjoy it. It shows 3 obese characters staring aimlessly into a computer screen with the slogan ‘the media suite because life is for living’ this is a pun at the fact that people in this generation spend a lot of there time on the computer or on video game consoles, first there is Jabba the Hutt a character well know to be the universes biggest couch potato only know he has been edited in Photoshop to be holding a keyboard and mouse staring into space as he surfs the web, behind him is the legendary W.O.W player from south park who is also well known as being someone with no life at all quoting the episode “how can you kill that witch has no life”, I also used Eric Cartman from the same episode as he also became someone who played him computer everyday nonstop, the Shipley collage logo has been edited to change the colour so it fits in with the background, the icons are clearly visible against the background, the background is made from to very basic and dull colours this was done to make the characters stand out plus to make there lives even more lifeless, there is a mouse hole in the wall just to reassure people that that’s where the skirting board is, the font for all the text is done using the spider man font because I thought that it would suit the computer atmosphere as it looks kind of science fictional, the student charter is clearly displayed at the to of the screen and is easily readable.

first finished desktop

This is the final design for my first design, I got a picture of the college only I made it interesting to look at, the college logo is clearly visible it is being eaten by Robot Kong, there is enough room for icon as I have quite clearly shown, I have picked many different characters that I think everyone should like there is something for everyone, from the left there is Eddie Riggs from the game brutal legend I chose this because it will appeal to the Metal fans in the collage, then Robot Kong from the Japanese classic film ‘King Kong Escapes’ for the people who like giants, Robots and Apes its all three in one great design, then there is a mushroom cloud for the people out there who dream of coursing the apocalypse, a picture of the main protagonist from Uncharted 2 diving away from the explosion, you can also see an imperial star destroyer in the distance possibly coursing the explosion, at the bottom of the screen we see the iconic star wars character admiral Ackbar and alongside him we see predator another science fiction favourite among sci-fi nerd, the desktop is mainly filled with sci-fi and video game characters I did this because I came to the conclusion that everyone doing coerces in the media suite must have at least some taste in ether of the two categories, it also clearly states the term ‘the media suite’ this is because people need to be told where they are for some reason and also two points from the student charter, I thought that the font (the spider man font) would suit sci fi atmosphere as it looks science fictional.

Wednesday 14 October 2009


we had to disign a desktop for the collage media suite made 2, they are all made using photo shop the first is just a picture of the collage building only i made it interesting to look at, the second is a atempt at comedy as it shows 3 people stairing
Aimlessly into computer screens woth the slogan because life is for living

Thursday 8 October 2009

basic box model

this was made in a hurry because my computer crashed so it isnt very imaginitive
unit 64
i had to make a box and extrude the top and change the shape of the top to make a simple roof and the door was even simpler just extrude a few sections to make a door