Wednesday 31 March 2010


here is the finished textured model of the ship all the textures were done using unrap uvw witch is easy once you get used to it

Thursday 25 March 2010

more textures

i have started to texture other parts of the ship starting her at the engine

textured base

here is the base of the texture again i used uvw unrap to get the texture in the right place

Thursday 18 March 2010

L.O.D (level of detail)

In this screen shot you can see the players perspective of the game and what he sees on screen the buildings in the background are far away from of the player barly withing the games draw distance so the are very low L.O.D models (level of detail) from far away they look well textured as the human eye cant see lots of detail on far away objects so the textures will be far less detailed as they don’t need to be detailed and this also makes the rendering fast and more stable
In this screen the player can see 2 of the same model at one time one close up and one further away, the close up model has higher detail because the camera is closer to it, the one further away has no need for higher detail so it is rendered in a lot less detail

Thursday 11 March 2010

texture 2

i have finished the windows on the ship, there tinted black because its easyier to make

Thursday 4 March 2010

i have started to texture my model using uvw unrap, as you can see i have stolen the texture from mr lucas, but you have to admit the tie fighters were cool, only the front of this model is textured so the side is still untextured